Size: Intra Urban Masterplan
Apostrophe Team: Shivjit Sidhu (Principal Architect), Mohammed Wadkar (Project Architect), Supriya Patil
18.2 Km long Nature Trail roughly parallel to Palm Beach Road, connecting Vashi to Kharghar
The project strives to create a continuous Landscape along the Coast of Navi Mumbai. This landscape will connect and bind the Coast's natural ecology to the heart of Vashi, Seawoods, Belapur and Kharghar.
Create better, safer and more convenient pedestrian connections from area train stations to the surrounding business and residential areas.
Create a distinct “Landscape Infrastructure” that will promote better Standard of Living for Navi Mumbai. This is achieved through an increase of recreational, cultural and educational amenities that are easily accessible for all ages, income groups and physical abilities.
Create a Greener and aesthetically appealing “Center” adjacent to the area stations. Harness the existing vitality of this place of gathering with Culturally, Recreational and Educational amenities.
Nature's Parallel should be Economically Self Sufficient for it's Lifecycle, including the Capital Expenditure.
Nature's Parallel will consist of an 18.2 Km long Coastal Nature Trail that runs along Palm Beach Road with Urban Plazas adjacent to Vashi and Belapur Stations.
A 2.6 KmTrail will wrap around “Nerul Lake and Nature Park adjacent to Karave Lake, the proposed Seawoods Golf Course and the Seawoods Lake. This will be created by enhancing the existing track around the lake and creating additional facilities.
Existing Belapur Station Parking Lot on South Side will be a new redesigned Urban Plaza that will form the Central 'Anchor' to the Coastal Trail.
New Pedestrian Connections will be created from Belapur Station to the Belapur Model Town under the existing Sion-Panvel Highway.
Nature Trail will connect Belapur to Central Park and Golf Course in Kharghar.
At regular intervals, safe pedestrian crossings or subways will be created to access the Coastal Trail from the residential areas on the East Side of Palm Beach Road.
The existing Station Plaza and Parking area of Vashi Station will be redesigned into a new Landscaped Urban Plaza that will form the North 'Anchor' to the Coastal Trail. This will include a new Pedestrian Subway under the existing Sion-Panvel Highway connecting the Station and Convention Hall to the Vashi City Center.
New Facilities at the Plaza will tie into the Train Station at Multiple Levels to create a Comprehensive Solution for Improvement of the Overall Experience of the Commuter and the City Resident.
Vashi Plaza will house existing parking and vendors; In addition new Cultural and Educational Program will be added while creating a large Urban Landscape.
The Cultural and Educational Programs will consist of Science Museum/ Natural History Museum and programmatically tie into the Nature Trails and Mangrove Park.
Vashi Plaza will have direct entry to Train Station with better Entry Points to the Underground passages for passenger convenience.
There will also be access points for the parking and Public Transit Stations (Bus/ Taxi/ Auto) that are located underground – below the Vashi Plaza.
The plaza will have an open amphitheater for performances and cultural events in addition to the landscape.
Existing food court will be improved and enlarged.
Construction will include Multi-Level Parking (Basement +Ground Podium) that will connect directly to the train station at the Ground Entrance and Basement level at the Existing Platform Connection Passage.
The Project will consider addition of Commercial (Office and Retail) Space.
Sale / Lease of Space by the CIDCO will fund the overall development of the Nature's Parallel project without relying on additional funding from it's budget.
The project will dramatically improve quality of movement and safety for commuters and pedestrians at the Train Stations moving to adjacent residential areas.
The project will create a Coherent, Aesthetically Improved and a more Functional Civic Environment at the Train Stations which will add to the overall convenience of Commuters and area residents. Amenities such as better parking, improved connectivity to adjacent areas, improved local transport facilities, emergency medical clinic, food court, etc. will be a part of the new experience.
New Landscape Infrastructure that will add to the Cultural, Educational and Recreational/Athletic resource of Navi Mumbai. This will include creation of Mangrove Park and the Coastal Trail along Palm Beach Road. These amenities will have better access from adjoining residential areas.
The entire project can be Financially “Cash Positive” based on the new Commercial development at the Train Stations. Provisions for long term maintenance and Life Cycle Costs are included in the project budget.
The project will be Completely Sustainable; Water Harvesting and Solar Power Generation will be employed. It will promote Mass Transit and Pedestrian/Bike travel and will help create open areas and preserve ecological landscapes.